Hello, Christ's Church Family,
Here is this week's Pastoral Blessing:
In the name of Jesus, I bless you to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will and spiritual understanding of what God is doing both in you and in the world around you.
I bless you to walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him in all you do and are. May you be fruitful in every work and increase daily in your knowledge of God and His great and unending love for you. you are strengthened with His might and are filled with His Glorious power, may you also have patience and longsuffering. And in the Journey of waiting, may you be filled with joy continually as you live a life of thanksgiving.
Be blessed with a good week filled with God’s goodness, His presence and His peace filling every area of your life. In Jesus’ name I bless you!
Believing for Greater,
Pastor Bob