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In the name of Jesus I bless you to rise
up in renewed strength to kneel before
the King of kings and LORD of Lords as
we cry out our Dependence on Him and
our need for forgiveness and healing.  
He has promised wholeness and
healing if we would repent and pray and
so receive a Spirit of Repentance as we
cry out for personal revival and a
National Awakening.

May you be steadfast in crying out to
God giving Him no rest until He pours
forth His promised healing in our lives,
in our families, our congregation, our
city, state and nation.  Be blessed to be
passionate for prayer and to recognize
the Power and Authority of our
sovereign Lord in every area of your
life.  May you see God for who He is

and know that whatever life may bring
your way, He is still on heaven’s throne.

Be blessed as a servant of the Most
High God and may your perspective of
Who God is and who we are impact you,
bringing humility and brokenness so that
you can be lifted up and healed to
become what God has called you to be. 
In the precious and wonderful name of
Jesus I bless you.