Hello, Christ's Church Family,

Here is the this week's Blessing:

In the name of Jesus, I bless you with a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in your life today as you align your life on Jesus and the standard of the Word!  The promise of Jesus to you is that you would receive power from on high as the Spirit comes on you, filling you with His Spirit so you can be a greater witness for the King!

Jesus said we would speak in other tongues so may a new prayer language be released in your life.  May you speak in tongues daily as you allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you, encouraging you and building you up in your faith.  May your prayer language be like an artillery assault on the kingdom of Darkness, breaking chains, destroying walls and changing the atmosphere of your home and place of work.

May a FRESH fire be released in your life, bringing the greater works that Jesus promised you would do!   May that fire consume every aspect of your life as you live as a living sacrifice for the King!   May the fires of Revival burn in your heart and life today as the Holy Spirit inhabits and fills your life today changing your thoughts, giving you strength and releasing in you more of the Kingdom of God.  In Jesus’ name I bless you.

Believing for Greater,
Pastor Bob