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In the name of Jesus I bless you with strength and courage to run the course before
you. God has declared you to be His child so receive His strength and equipping to
stand in the place of prayer crying out to God and bringing change to this World.
The Kingdom of God is here, so go with authority over all principalities and powers, with
the name that is above every name, the name of Jesus on your lips.
God has declared salvation to your household so stand up and fight in prayer and
declaration for the salvation of those you love that walk without Christ. The day of
harvest is here, the Lord of the harvest has risen so we call forth that harvest. All sons
and daughters, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, grandparents, we bless you with
the garments of Salvation and robes or Righteousness from God through Christ Jesus.
Health and hope be yours. You are greatly loved by the Father! God bless you!