God declares in His Word that He is Spirit and those who Worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.   So today I call forth and release on your life an invigorating outpouring of refreshing on your Spirit to renew you and strengthen you.  

May you receive a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in your life, reigniting your prayer life, energizing you to share your relationship in Christ with others, accompanied by signs and wonders.

You shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, you shall not fear anything for God is your shield and protector.  So go forth boldly living a fuller life of worship that continually honors God.

Be blessed with a fresh revelation of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth lives in you so many you walk in all truth, knowing the mind of God and His ways.   May the Word of God and the truth of the Word made flesh infuse your mind, granting you freedom from the lies of the enemy and may that truth guide you in all things.  The Word is a lamp and a guide lighting your way and keeping you from stumbling.

God’s rest be upon your home filling it with peace, healing and restoration to all who come within your walls.  In Jesus’ name I bless you.