Hello, Christ's Church Family,

Here is the blessing I shared yesterday morning:

In the name of Jesus I bless you with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will transform your lifestyle, changing your priorities and how you live.   May the fire of the Holy Spirit permeate every facet of your life, changing you inwardly and outwardly.

The Risen Christ now lives in you, and so live strongly this new life that has been given to you.  May the reality of the EXCHANGED life cause you to walk daily in God’s Strength, bringing His power, His life, His Hope and His help to you, your family, your community, workplace, and wherever else your feet may take you.   The new man that resides in you is the King of Kings and Lord of Lord.  The Spirit of the Risen Christ Jesus is your source of new life.

Children of the King, live boldly, live strongly, live with purpose and live intentionally establishing our Father’s Kingdom wherever you go.   Darkness will flee when the Light of Life shines from your eyes.  Illness will bow at the healing in your hands.  Chains will fall apart as you command.   The light of the World has come and is now shining from you!   So Shine!

In Jesus’ name I bless you.

Believing for Greater,

Pastor Bob