Hello, Christ's Church Family,

What an amazing time yesterday in the presence of the Lord.  I have heard a few testimonies of how God has moved in the lives of some.  If God healed you, moved in your life in any way, I would love to hear what God is doing.  Please email me a report of what God has done.
Here is the Blessing I shared yesterday morning:
The Bible declares that you are the temple of God’s Holy Spirit, and so I bless you to live continually in His Power, Life, Strength, Wisdom, and Authority.

May you seek Him and know that as you seek, you will find Him, if you seek with all your heart.  Honor Him as a privileged guest in your life and give Him free reign to do whatever He might choose to do in you and through you.

Be baptized with the Holy Spirit and fresh Fire and may you be continually refilled as you daily edify yourself through your Spirit language.   May you know the Holy Spirit, see what He is doing both in you and around you and may you hear His voice speaking to you giving you encouragement, wisdom, direction, knowledge and understanding

May you be led by Him every day conversing with Him in intimacy.   May your love relationship deepen as you come to know more intimately, the precious Spirit of God living in you.  In Jesus’ name I bless you.
Believing for Greater,
Pastor Bob