Hello, Christ's Church Family,

Here is the Blessing I shared on Sunday!

In the name of Jesus, I bless you with the promises of God that are yes and Amen.   Know that God is for you so who can be against you.  You are overwhelmingly loved and God has chosen you as His child.   
You are an heir to the grace of salvation and so let the peace of God fill your heart and mind.  Be comforted to know that the Spirit of the Living God lives in you and He is in control of every aspect of your life as you live surrendered to Him.

Be blessed with complete surrender as His Holy Spirit works conforming you to the image of Jesus.   As you pursue holiness, may the Holiness of God manifest in your life.   Salvation in yours because of what Jesus has done for us at the Cross!  So work out that salvation as you die daily to self and allow the life of Christ to live through you.   

And may the fruit of His Spirit grow in your life in great abundance.    May peace, provision and hope fill your mind and heart.  In Jesus name I bless you.

Believing for Greater,

Pastor Bob