At Christ's Church, we believe that the discipleship of believers, young and old, plays an important role in each person's spiritual life, regardless of how long he or she has been a follower of our Lord Jesus. The goal of our Small Group Bible Studies is to draw believers into a relationship with Jesus, and disciple them through:
We offer classes for all ages, including several options for adults. Class offerings change each semester, so please email for more information about our Small Group Bible Studies.
Preschool Pals (Ages 2-4) Leader: Jennifer
CC Kids (K-5th grade) Leader: Pastor Vera
Youth (6-12th Grade) Leaders: Judi, Alan, Steph
Young Adults Class (ages 18 - 24) Leaders: Lisa Hall
Thrive Young Families (ages 25 to 40) Leaders: Pastor Bob and Diane
ADULT CLASS: Meeting in the Worship Center and available on Christ's Church Facebook page and Christ's Church AG YouTube Channel
PROPEL WOMEN'S CLASS Leaders: Wendy and Lillis